We connect students and organizations through higher education.

 IWU @ Mid-south christian College

memphis, tn

Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU) in Marion, Indiana partners with Mid-South Christian College to provide a professional degree programs at an affordable price. This partnership provides students at Mid-South Christian College with access to professional degrees not available from your institution. Doing so, enables you to stay within your current learning environment while pursuing a professional degree from Indiana Wesleyan University.


Professional Degree options

IWU partners with your home institution to provide professional degree options for students. All courses are online and integrate relevant content with a Christ-centered perspective.

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DUal Degree Attainment

By enrolling concurrently in your home institution and online with Indiana Wesleyan University, you will earn two bachelor’s degree — a ministry degree from your Bible college and a professional credential from IWU.


Stay Local

You can remain in your current learning community while enrolling in Indiana Wesleyan University’s online programs. Our courses are offered 100% online, so you can stay close to your family and friends.


Affordable + Accessible + Reputable
Higher Education

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Debt-Free University

IWU has a consistent ethos of financial accountability that influences how we serve students through partnerships.

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Wide Array of Programs

IWU offers a wide array of professional marketplace degree options to support the needs of different learners.

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Regional Accreditation

IWU has been accredited and in good standing with the Higher Learning Commission since 1966.

Degree Programs

IWU partners with your home institution to provide access to a variety of professional degree programs. Students may select from any of the following bachelor degree options.



  • Addictions Counseling


  • Early Childhood Education

Social Work

  • Human Services



Tuition - $260 per credit

Frequently Asked Questions >>

IWU is committed to providing an affordable pathway to a higher education degree. This commitment is at the heart of the Bible college partnership. IWU offers students a predictable, reduced tuition throughout their time in the program.


What's next?

College Contact:

Robert C. Griffin, Ph.D. robertgriffin@midsouthchristian.edu
901-375-4400 ext.104

FAQs >>